Interlibrary loan


  • * The interlibrary loan (ILL) service allows the library to locate and request materials that are not in our collections (books, articles, PhD dissertations, etc.).
  • * To use the ILL service and submit a request, you have to be a member of Mines Paris.
  • * Materials are supplied to the library for free, either as copies or scans or as originals.
  • * The loaning and consultation policies (in-library consultation or loan, loan period) can vary depending on the loaning library.
  • * You will receive an email informing you of the requested materials' availability.
  • Before submitting an ILL request
  • Please check if the desired item is available either in a partner library or in a local library (Paris and Ile de France):
  • Université PSL  institutions' libraries
  • - Other academic libraries - check via the Sudoc  collective catalogue
  • - Ville de Paris public libraries

Submit your request