Connection and online services
The Eduroam wifi network is available at the libraries. You can connect with your Mines (school) account. Since Eduroam wifi is used by numerous schools and universities, you can also use your account from another institution to access the network. Check the list of participating institutions.
Access to electronic resources
To access the library' electronic resources:
- If you are a member of Mines Paris, you can access the resources onsite and remotely. For remote access, you need to add a proxy address in your web browser's settings (preferably Firefox). Access the tutorial
- If you are form a partner institution (PSL) or if you are an external reader, electronic resources can only be accessed onsite.
Usage of the library's electronic resources must comply with the Charter for the use of electronic resources that you signed when registering for a membership.
Public computers
The library's reading room is equipped with five computer stations. To use them, you can ask for user logins at the library's information desk. On those computers, you can access the library's online resources and browse the internet.
Wifi: ; ; ;
Electronic resources: